NOTIFICATION NO. 25/2018, Dt.31/12/2018

Note :

  • Fields marked with ‘ * ’ are Mandatory.
  • Post Preference : Candidates may select their options from the below given menu. It may be noted that the selection would be post wise i.e, all the zonal options for a post of 1st preference would be considered before considering the candidate for post of his/her second preference and so on.
  • The qualification which the Candidate have furnished earlier in the GROUP-II SERVICES(Notfn 25/2018) application form has been shown here. The posts will be populated based on the qualification selected in the dropdown. The Candidate can change your qualification, if the Candidate have provided it wrongly earlier. The qualification and the post preferences which the Candidate have opted here will be considered for the final selection.
  • By any chance if the candidate has submitted his preferences wrongly, they can furnish the correct preferences again by using the same window. However, the latest submitted preferences will only be considered for the selection.